
Privacy is simple
with zero data.

We're very serious about maintaining your absolute privacy and anonymity, so you can feel confident to talk about difficult issues and get instant support when you need it.

Solace is a zero-data* system...

If you're in the USA, that means it's 100% HIPAA compliant.

If you're in Australia, that means it meets the rigid standards of the The Privacy Act.

(Australia has some of the most stringent privacy and confidentiality laws in the developed world).

Any healthcare firm or service like us that deals with sensitive information as a third-party, must do as much as it can to keep that data as secure as it can. So we found the easiest way to keep data secure is simply not to keep any in the first place!

"I've never felt this comfortable talking about the hard stuff before, and it's amazing to have it on-call when things come up, not trying to recall a feeling from last week or last month when I next see my therapist."

How our zero-data* system works:

Users interact with Solace through a voice-chat API. Those chats are processed in real-time and just kept in temporary memory for the duration of each session only. They are not stored permanently by the AI or any part of our system, and so there's no possible access to past interactions.

*The zero relates to any personal information you may discuss directly with Solace. Nobody can keep, see or hear any of it, ever. There are no session transcripts or logs other than completely anonymous data such as the call date, time and duration.

...and it's encrypted too.

Our API uses encryption to protect data in transit. Communications between you, Solace and the API are encrypted using HTTPS, which secures the data against man-in-the-middle attacks and ensures that any data exchanged is kept confidential and intact.

"So grateful. There were some really difficult things I've been carrying for a long time (too ashamed to talk to anyone about it), and I was able to dig in and deal with these issues without a worry, because I knew I had absolute privacy here."
"There's no judgement and no data left to haunt me — it's just me and Solace talking it out and getting it sorted. So that gives me real peace of mind."

Any questions or concerns?
Contact us

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